Inversion Codes

Stokes inversion techniques represent the most sophisticated way to interpret spectropolarimetric observations. Europe has a long tradition in the development of inversion codes. As a service to the community, this page offers the possibility to download some popular codes used in Europe and elsewhere. Their application to Hinode/SP measurements should be straightforward.

For more information on inversion techniques, download this pdf presentation (2.3 Mb) or read the review papers by del Toro Iniesta & Ruiz Cobo (1996), Bellot Rubio (2006) or Ruiz Cobo (2007)

  • SIR (Stokes Inversion based on Response functions)
  • SIRGAUS (SIR with GAUSSian perturbations)
  • MILOS (MILne-Eddington inversion of pOlarized Spectra)
  • HeLIx (Helium Line Information Extractor)